Wednesday, November 7, 2012

what do I do if I didn't finish college and my job depends on it

what do I do if I didn't finish college and my job depends on it?
I got a pretty good job thanks to the fact that in June I was in my last college year. However, I didn't finish college and I don't think I ever will unless I take up a new one, and my employer will probably fire me if he catches wind of my situation. Moreover, if I lose this job, nobody will hire me for this position because I am not a college graduate. I live in Romania.
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Obviously you need to finish college then.
2 :
Join the circus.
3 :
Well then your best bet is to finish colledge since i live in USA and dont really know about job opportunities in Romania... so finish colledge. good luck
4 :
re-enroll now its not to late to finish. Take less courses at a time and take longer to finish but you must finish. I would say your life depends on it. Its hard to get a decent job anywhere in the world unless you go to college.

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