Sunday, June 14, 2009

what you know about Romania?you think it`s an interesting country?you would like to live there

what you know about Romania?you think it`s an interesting country?you would like to live there?
do you know famous ppl who lived in romania?brancusi ,stefan luchian,nadia comaneci,hagi tell you sommething?
Other - Education - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I know nothing about Romania except that it is supposedly home to the Romney a facinating race of people.
2 :
yeps, enough famous people in Romania...let's not forget the horrible Gigi Becali :) I loveeeeeeeee Hagi, by the way...and i'm not even Romanian.
3 :
well, except 4 soccer freaks and nationalists, romanians are kewl ppl.
4 :
I lived there for two years. It's an extremely interesting nation with an engaging people and history. My personal favorite is Stefan Cel Mare! Esti roman? Am locuit la Bucuresti, Arad, si Oradea. Mi-e tare dor de Romania. As vrea sa locuiesc acolo, dar nu cred ca e posibil. Ai noroc!
5 :
I know a lot about Romania, since I was born there. It is a very interesting country, I love it, especially since my whole family is back there, but to live there again? unfortunately due to the economic situation, I wouldn't move back, but part of my heart will always stay. It would take lots of changes for me to consider the move. Maybe one day, who knows
6 :
visit , discover , ask.. :)

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