Thursday, May 21, 2009

How can I get help if sometimes I am sad and depressed? I live in Romania. I am looking for a good advice

How can I get help if sometimes I am sad and depressed? I live in Romania. I am looking for a good advice.?

Mental Health - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you are a muslim or Quran. It is the best source of reference because the best advice comes from ALLAH Al-Mighty.
2 :
This is a tough questions because there is no one answer. You have to isolate what is making you this way. These days people like to link it to chemical imbalances, etc and take pills. My thought on it is that most people are sad and depressed about one thing or another all the time. This is what drives us to better ourselves! Start a new hobby, read a book, write a book, paint a picture, write a poem. Things that pass the time distract us from the day to day monotony that is life and help us handle it in a more constructive way. If this wasn't true then we wouldn't have so many "great" people who express themselves in the above manner. I have also heard exercise helps with it but that seems like a lot of work to me!
3 :
you need to think about when you are sad with a reason, and then when you are depressed without one; learn how to find the difference. in the first case--try to find a solution to the problem. in the second--surround yourself with friends, good music, a nd try to go out more, and maybe work-out, that really helps! Best of wishes!
4 :
Hello - There is alot to share with you about this, but I am going to attempt to make this as short as possible. First of all I want to reccommend that you go to and order a copy of the book entitled; CARE OF THE SOUL - By; Moore - That is an important book to read for anyone who suffers from depression. ... There is alot of misunderstanding out there about what depression really is. It can be a very painful and debilitating experience, but there is in fact Purposeful Good in the process that is depression. ... There is a "house cleaning" of sorts taking place within a person through the process of depression. I know that hearing this doesn't neccessarily make it any easier to accept depression when it is upon you, .. but in fact,.. and from what I have personally learned through many years of having experienced and come through chronic depression (without taking medication), ... to "Allow" the depression when you are in it,.. is one of the most positive and effective things you can do. To resist or reject depression, is the whorst thing you can do. ..... This is not to say that there are not things that you can do to help to ease the pain. ...... There are two main tools which I used on a daily basis over a period of years that helped me more than anything. These were eating a cleansing and re-vitalising diet,.. (lots of raw dark green leafy veggies,... such as raw organic spinach), and fresh fruits,... I also prepared a daily drink that was a mixture of brewers yeast and apple cider,... but there are easier ways to get those nutrients, such as by taking specific vitamin mineral supplements. ..... I would reccommend that you get the following book, which will help to guide you in what will help you in terms of your diet and natural supplements. Dr. Hoffer is an authority and world reknowned on this subject: ..... I also want to tell you that regular exercise and natural sunlight are very helpful towards relief from depression. Exercise, where you are breaking a good sweat and getting your heart rate up, will cause the release of endorphins in your body. The endorphins will heip you feel better and the exercise will help you to move the toxins out of your body, which go hand in hand with the depression you experience. ... Get lots of Sun.... The vitamin A & D will help you also. .... ......... I don't know how easy or hard it is for you to get ahold of natural supplements where you live,.. but if they are not very available to you,.. you could go to the following web site; where they will prescribe and mail a monthly vitamin/mineral supplement to you from Canada. They have helped many people. ..... It is often very helpful when one is feeling depressed, if you can sit alone quietly and draw or paint or play a musical instrument. .. Allow your inner self to express itself through the art medium you are using. .. Depression is the experience of suppressed feelings being held down. Very often these feelings at the deepest level are anger that has been turned inward. .................. Perhaps this information will prove helpful to you....
5 :
you're not alone in this. i'm also from romania and i suffer from depression all the time. i'm thinking of taking acid & psilocybin in the future. they don't create addiction and may help with depression.

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