Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I live in Romania and I want to escape from here.How

I live in Romania and I want to escape from here.How?
My best choice is to go to Canada.
Immigration - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Work for an Romanian carrier company. When you get the responsibility of carrying a package to Canada and have to fly out there, defect to a Canadian policeman (They will most likely be wearing a funny hat and riding a moose).
2 :
I wish I could trade places with you. I live in the U.S. though. I want to go to Romania to visit my boyfriend. I love him sooooo much!!! I really think we were born in the wrong countries!! LOL!!!!
3 :
go to an American embassy and tell them you want to defect to the united states. see what they say. good luck.
4 :
u r Granted a free invitation to visit Dubai from an Egyptian livin in Dubai :)
5 :
Make sure you get out of Europe, I heard the Brits don't like Romanians or Polaks.
6 :
here is the link to Canada refugees you can go read it and get some basics informations if you wish ?: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/refugees/index.html
7 :
I don't think you can defect, as Romania is not an enemy of Canada or the United States.......I would suggest going to the country of your choice's immigration website or their embassy in your country and requesting information for a immagration visa. Option number 2 would be to marry a foreign national. Good Luck. Here are some helpful links: U.S. http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/immigrants_1340.html Canada http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/index.html Australia (everybody always forgets about this one i think but its awesome) http://www.immi.gov.au/immigration.htm
8 :
Canada is an excellent choice.....You can migrate there, go to your local Canadian embassy and inquire.....Its not so hard to go there....Best of luck~
9 :
yeah the us will be closeing their boarders soon
10 :
you don't want to come to america we are terrible people
11 :
Why do you want to leave Romania? It's so much fun here! Don't you think? :P

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