Saturday, March 14, 2009

If i wanted to move to Romania, how much would it cost to live there month to month in USD

If i wanted to move to Romania, how much would it cost to live there month to month in USD?
I kinda wanna live in Romania. Its GORGEOUS!! Monthly, how much should i expect my cost of living to be if i want to live in a decent place in Bucharest and have basics like water electricity cell phone?? Is the cost of living in Bucharest expensive??
Other - Europe - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
First of all Transylvania is way, way more beautiful than Bucharest, nature and city related. You'd love it. I live in Sibiu(the European capital of culture in 2007): For a very very good living about 1200$ are enough(I know, it's cheap)) beautiful and cheap.
2 :
hello BusyBee, I am glad you like this country! ;-) in my opinion our region, Transylvania, is more beautiful ...the mentality is different, in a good way! try for some days accommodation at my place: , so you can discover why you should move here. ...I can recommend you many reasons to stay in Brasov! Bucharest is a big city...colorful, vibrant, fun but more expensive! rents are quite expensive, just like anything the end, it is your choice! ...hope I made you curious! best regards!

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