Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What are the odds of getting a job in your city

What are the odds of getting a job in your city?
Fact: I graduated a highschool and a college(both of them IT based), I have 2 years experience in a company in selling/marketing/programming. I speak 3 foreign languages. I have medium knowledge in several programming language(php/html/java script/mysql/flash) and picture editing(photoshop/corel draw) and I'm god at SEO(search engine optimization). Designed several web,sites, wrote and designed several articles for magazines, etc So...my question is...would a man with this description find a job in your town? Because I live in Romania and in my city I can't find a job in mostly any field(of course leaving out jobs like shoe sale sman or selling tomatoes in the market). But what are the odds of a guy like me(22 years old) finding a job in a similar position in your town?. I ask because I just want to know if it's just my city/country that sucks or would I have the same fate in any city/country?
Careers & Employment - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No...my town is too small and there isn't any tech jobs.
2 :
wow i think you need to look in a big city
3 :
Where do you live, dude? I'm in Bucharest and we're hiring IT guys like crazy over here.

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