Thursday, July 1, 2010

I am a romanian ( live in Romania ) who can i becom a japniese i realy like tha country pls ansew

I am a romanian ( live in Romania ) who can i becom a japniese i realy like tha country pls ansew?????????????
I love tha countri very very much pls ansew i could almost anythig just to stay at least an hour in trere MY family does have tha much muny and they hate Japan a could you some ansowrs pls say them
Immigration - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Sorry, but I think you'll get a better answer at the Japanese consulate or embassy
2 :
visas and citizenship are given on a case by case basis, you do need something to offer. simple money will get you a tourist visa, special skills especially in the medical or educational field are a huge advantage for one hoping to immigrate. without money or employment they won't let you in the door.
3 :
Why don't you steal to live in Japan. I heard Romanians are good at it in Western Europe this is how Romanians make their money, by stealing, prostituting, drugs traficing & crime.
4 :
Hey, i was in Romania & you guy robbed me from all my tourist money. I do not have a good opinion about you guys. You do bad things in Italy, Spain, Germany, England and many European countries. Here in the States, you do the same and you do not like to work or make money the honest way. No one wants Romanians in their country. Stay home !!!

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