Tuesday, August 14, 2012

what happened to princess caraja from romania

what happened to princess caraja from romania?
she was alive during WWII and past away in the 1990s while living in romania
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1997 May 14 Princess Caradja-Kretzulesco (76), descendant of Prince Dracula, died. Prior to hear death Princess Kretzulesco stepped inside the second-hand book-shop of Ottomar Berbig in Berlin to look for rare books, and ever since the two because inseparable. On her deathbed the princess rewarded Ottomar Berbig’s various services with a title: Ottomar - Prince Kretzulesco. PARIS: Romanian Princess Alexandra Caradja-Kretzulesco, who claimed direct descent from the Mediaeval hero whose exploits gave rise to the fictional vampire Count Dracula, has died in Paris aged 77, friends said on Thursday. Caradja-Kretzulesco fled to France in 1947 when the communists took power in Bucharest and was active in charities which helped Romania when they were overthrown in 1989. Specialists said she was especially proud her family tree indicated she descended from the fifteenth century Prince Vlad of Transylvania, also known as Vlad the impaler or the dragon (Dracula in Romanian) who drove Turkish armies from the country. Irish author Bram Stoker based his nineteenth century vampire novel ``Dracula'' around the Romanian national hero.

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