Thursday, September 18, 2014

Obama is defying the Constitution on war

Obama is defying the Constitution on war

The United States last declared war many wars ago, on June 5, 1942, when, to clarify legal ambiguities during a world conflagration, it declared war on Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. Today’s issue is not whether to declare war but only whether the ...

Extensive Archive of Avant-Garde & Modernist Magazines, (1890-1939), Now Available Online

New Post Goes Up Every Wednesday at 8:30pm ET “The successful product of a collaborative effort to establish an Arts Magazine will represent a living community of artists, writers, editors, and other masters of technique who subordinate their individual wills, temporarily, to the will of a collectiv ...

Rotary Club of Budapest Centre – Monday 15th September

The club meets on Monday nights at the Radisson Blu Hotel not far from Nuygati Palyudvar station. The President is Gabor Milanivakics. The club has 31 members and has been chartered since 2013 so is relatively new. There was a high turn out for the meeting as it included members, guests, prospective ...

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