Tuesday, July 14, 2009

what can i do to can stay in egypt forever?i live in romania and i convert islam,so i whant live there

what can i do to can stay in egypt forever?i live in romania and i convert islam,so i whant live there
i enter islam and i don't whant to live in romania i whant stay in egypt forever,i have money like 40000euro to can buy home there and to make my on bussines but i don't know how i will get visa caz i'm not marryied and i can'tmarry an egyptean man yet!i really hope so much lo stay there but how?i have a dother and i don't know what i must to do,who can halp me whet any advice pls?i whant find what steps i have to falow!tnx alot
Egypt - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Congratulation sister. I think marriage to an Egyptian can happen at later stage. I think the best way to start living in Egypt is through: 1. Work: try to get a job in teaching or childcare or any other field you may have experience with. 2. Study: try to get scholarships in Alazhar for religious studies or any other way to study. 3. Business: I don't recommend this for start. spend some time in the country first. Now marriage. As I said before this will come with time and with knowing the right people. There are are lots of successful marriages that come through good friends and families. There is another option for the time being. I am sure there will be an area in Romania where teh Muslim community exist, this also is a way to make contacts with people maybe egyptian muslims. Take care and let us know if you need more help.
2 :
I'm not sure on Romanian rules, but I'm sure you could leave the country to visit another. Find out where you can get a visa. In America, you can even get it at local drug stores, and dosen't cost much. Secondly, start looking for jobs in Eygpt. I know you said you want to start a business and have money, but jobs are a great advantage in being able to stay at a location you normal don't reside. Or possibly apply to a school in Egypt, even if it's part time...something to help possibly boost your business...these all would make it easier to stay. Look online to find how and where you can get a visa in you area.
3 :
think deeply before taking any decisions!!you may regret it one day!!there r dozens of Egyptian men who welcome marring a foreigner!!study Islam then take your decision to convert!!don't be toooo emotional on choosing your man or taking decisions on general!!take your time!!don't be on a rush because if you r a Muslim & you decided one day to leave Islam, it's not good for u!!have fun & mabroooook(congratulations)!!
4 :
congratulations! u have made the right decision to convert to Islam. Living in Egypt should not be a hard thing to do for u. I do not know what are the rules in ur country, but if u ask them at the embassy they should be able to aid u.
5 :
"Islam is in your heart". You don't have to come to Egypt to become Muslim. You can still live in your country and be a good Muslim. Islam has nothing to do with the place, it has everything to do with what is inside you.
6 :
1st of all congratulations and may god bless you... i know what u're talking about...coming to egypt will enhance your islam...i have the same problem with a friend of mine from peru who converted n she wants to come here but unfortunately she doesnt have money... the best way i see is to marry an egyptian so u can feel independent but he must be a good man so he can take ur hands n help u to improve ur religion...but the question is will u find this good one??? it's not that easy... so the best solution is to come here to study arabic first for a year and to rent a house...then when u come everything will be clear for u...u can ask for a work, u can buy a house...and maybe u can find the right person for u... so now go to the egyptian embassy n ask for a visa...and check this site it may help u if u wanna learn arabic.... www.fajr.com it's a center for learning arabic...u can send them... hope i helped :) good luck
7 :
You should have an income it's not enough to buy a home. You should start to contact authorities and organisations that may help you to come and live in Egypt. I'm posting few links that may help you. Good luck
8 :
that doesn't seem enough to help for to long. you need a good income and you need to think about you daughter. there are other countries you can go to, not just Egypt. 1st you need to see where you can get a job, you can apply for some jobs on line. www.monster.com is one way. than make sure you find a good school for your daughter. once that's done, find where you'll stay. than you can get a visa. you'll need to know where your staying for a long enough visa. get yourself stable and than think about getting married after living there a year or so. you wont have any problem since there are MANY men who would love to marry a foreigner. the problem will be finding a good honest man, a lot of them could pretend to care and take all you have and leave! I'm an American Muslim in one of the GCC countries. I've been there 18 years, if you need any help or advice feel free to e-mail me. I'll help you all i can: smb4buali@yahoo.com
9 :
Well sister, congratulation on converting into Islam first. I think I know your feeling now ,it seems that you already have some one you love in Egypt "a boyfriend" or so... But , I can see that according to some problems you can't get married soon.Any ways,I wish you good luck it seems that you visited Egypt before because you are decided to live ther not in any other country.....right ?.You can apply for imigration ,go to the Egyptian embassy and ask for the papers and fill it in & wait for the resulte & inshalla you would be accepted. In any other case ...if you didn't get it from the first time you can get a tourism visa at least to go & see some appartments & to make sure about your bussines & all this stuff ...go for 3 monthes or so to get a small appartment first "you can rent one for long time " & put your money in a bank so you make use of the bank's benifit ..because later on you would get married & then your husbund would get you the appartment. so don't waist a lot of money on buying one now. I'll summurize what I said in some points: 1 - Apply for imigrtion. 2 - if it didn't work apply again ,while doing this ask fortourism visa. 3 - Don't buy appartment now ,you can save your money in a bank so you would get good benifite. 4 - You can rent an appartment for 1500-2500LE a month which is 214-375 Euro a month in Alexandria or Cairo .or less if a small one . 5 - Yea .I forgot to tell ,that you shuld start searching for some job beside the bank's benifite...so start right away your bussines .... how much would it coast you ... the taxes .... & all this stuff to make sure if this money is enough .&it would be enough inshalla.:) Finally I wish you a very good luck my sister & you are welcome to Egypt any time. If you need any help you can contact me.Salaam :)
10 :
what is your job now ? wt is the thing / the job you can do perfect ? you can start your own business here

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