Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I have an 8 week old Beagle puppy that refuses to go potty outside. I live in Romania and its very cold(-8c)

I have an 8 week old Beagle puppy that refuses to go potty outside. I live in Romania and its very cold(-8c)?
I take her out often and every time she eats or drinks but she just crys and comes back in the house and then goes potty. Right now I have to keep her in a box because I cant have her going on the floor. HELP
Dogs - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
get newspaper and try teacher your puppy to potty on that. sometimes when a puppy wont potty outside, its because they do not like being alone, especially if the pup spends alot of time with the owner. try walking outside with the puppy, if that dont work its probably too cold
2 :
Get some WeeWee pads for her. They pee and poo on them. You just change them everytime she goes. LIke put them in a bag, and throw the bag outside in the trash. My dog was on them for a while because when we got her it was a really harsh winter, but we got her off.
3 :
That is extremely warm. My dogs go outside in -40 C.
4 :
Beagles have short hair, doesn't take much for the pup to feel very cold. It's harder for pups and older dogs to adjust to the cold. As well as being away from you if your not with her. So, either get puppy pads, or a sweater or jacket for her and go outside with her.

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