Friday, January 14, 2011

My fiance is from Romania and I live in America, which is the quickest and best visa for us to apply for

My fiance is from Romania and I live in America, which is the quickest and best visa for us to apply for?
I will leave to go back home to the states soon so we are desperately trying to figure out what will be our best option since I will not be able to come back to Romania at least until I finish college (after 2-3 years). Should we remain engaged and apply for the fiance visa? Is it faster to get married here in Romania and apply for the direct relative visa? Is there a easier way ? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Immigration - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The fiance visa. takes about 18 months to do. My wife is from Russia and I hired a law firm that specializes in fiance visas from Henderson Nevada and they got all the forms sent to us and made sure we had them filled out correctly. This is not a cheap endeavor so be prepared to spend close to 5 grand.
2 :
You COULD get married and apply for a hardship visa (a Romanian friend was successful, but she's a cheeky girl) or go the fiancee visa route. Just make sure ALL the paperwork is done properly and in a timely fashion. What city are you guys from?

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