Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What is the best chance today for Romania and its people

What is the best chance today for Romania and its people?
After 2 years of illegal and harmful laws that led to both economic and social ,and political crisis that the world has ever seen.The government of Romania has reduced pay activity whit 55%they have made imposible the buyng of fruits and veggies when the crop was in it s full glory.They have not allowed a legal law,voted by the parlament that stated that things like bread,milk,cooking oil and so on to be bought whit minus 95% of the curent price,the last hope to stay alive whit a retirement of !50 euros after 40 years of work,and evan now they are planing to tax the retirement evan thoes that reach 50 euros a month,since they cant legaly cut the retirement whit 15%For more damages caused by this sick people,wich by the way they don t treat themselves in theyr own hospitals,in 2 years you can read the quote in How Not to Rule a Country.But today is the last chance for the oposition to get rid of thoes sick people by a cenzure motion that if voted,the guvernment will sease all activity efected imidiatly and live Romania for just a few hours whitout a guvernment.So my question is this...Should Romania stay whit that kind of rulership,or stay a day whit no guvernment but the next day a clean just guvernment whit 600 mesures to regain economic and social growth,and 100 mesures will be aplied the first day of guvernment activity.How would my country Romania look in the eyes of all Europe if Romania will be left whit no guvernment for a day?What s better?To live whit the dirt,or to start cleaning,but preparation will take a day?Thank you!
History - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Does anyone really know how to clean up the politics? America last this long with Obama. I think Romania will be OK for one day. The Socialist Party is a way to do corruption it brings the families out to streets into war. The Socialist Party looks for others to blame, yet the government is the one that cause the problems. Who is one of the highest paid leaders out of all of these nations? Singapore, the tiny island nation which believes in rewarding its public servants big time Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong earns six times more than Barack Obama will, nine times more than Britain’s Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, and almost 12 times Australia’s Kevin Rudd. How are they able to do this? We may be able to come up with many reason. Singapore leader ask their people this question. What kind of success is attainable over the next few decades, and what type of changes might Singapore have to make to realize that success? If a small island can do this how much more the larger nations could do? The more successful your people are the more prosperous your leaders can be. If our leaders truly care for their people they would help them to prosper. Then the people could take care of themselves and won’t need government help. Our leaders focus should be on our success.
2 :
Romania's in the EU - if it adopts the Euro as its currency the Germans will come running to bail the country out, like they did with Greece.

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