Tuesday, December 21, 2010

my family would like to help out my cousin living in romania

my family would like to help out my cousin living in romania?
my second cousin (my mom's cousin's daughter) is a very intellegent and charasmatic 10 year old. she is honestly one of those girls who will help you in any way that she can and always works hard at everything she does. she appreciates all that comes her way and is never selfish. she unfortunetly lives in a small farm town in romania where my mom's side of the family has resided for a very long time. we would like to somehow bring her to the United States to give her bigger and better oppurtunities to become something big. she has all the skills and personality she just really needs the resources. if there is any advice on how to bring her over or how to help her out it will be greatly appreciated. thank you
Immigration - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
you can certainly sponsor her/adopt her. as long as she's under 18
2 :
You should find an immigration attorney to talk with about this. They can tell you exactly what needs to be done, especially this is involving a minor.
3 :
Your parents can adopt her as long as there is evidence that her parents can't afford to support her financially. I would suggest you get an INS attorney.
4 :
Foreign adoption is extremely rigorous and complex. Well-meaning people sometimes try to perform private 'adoptions' for the sake of immigration for a deserving child. These simply do not work, and are illegal. She sounds like the kind of citizen that Romania needs. Why can't your family use their resources to send her to a good school in Romania, a good college there, and prepare her for a bright future in her own country? Romania is not hopeless, and it needs all the best it can get from it's rising generation. This girl could easily wind up as a prominent attorney or banker, or a government minister.
5 :
Immigration involving the U.S. is somewhat more complex than other nations, so it would be best to contact an immigration attorney, and discuss you options.

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