Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Do many English live in Romania

Do many English live in Romania?
Do many English live in Romania? I would like to visit this country.
Other - Europe - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
We have friends that just got back from Romania and the answer is, no. You're better off learning some of thier language before you go.
2 :
You should visit it, if you want to, but I don't know where did you get this idea from. Maybe some buisnessmen from ENGLAND are ocassionally visiting Romania but I think there is no Englishmen living there.
3 :
there arent many. but anyone is welcomed to stay there. iv seen asian people. black people. there are a lot of people. and if your white then youd fit in just fine. im romanian. but live in arizona.
4 :
Definetely NO english people live in Romania, unless they have some business settled there. The economy of Romania wouldn't attract english perople to settle there, but the country is well worth visited. And in most places they spea romanian, kids learn it in school, and in many places is a requirement for jobs. Have fun

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