Friday, December 14, 2012

Is the European Union another way for the Germans to conqer the continent

Is the European Union another way for the Germans to conqer the continent?
I hope you all know that Germans always wanted to conqer the world(example:2nd world war).And I hope that you all know that the Germans invented this socalled EU.I live in Romania and we just entered the EU.Can the EU be just another way for the Germmans to conqer us?
Other - Europe - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
judging from your avatar, it appears as if your makeup is another way of conquering your heterosexuality.
2 :
If they "konker" you will they be able to teach you how to spell?
3 :
Despite your hope I do not know that the Germans have always wanted to conquer the world. Can you think of another example apart from World War 2? I also don't know that the Germans "invented" the EU. The answer to your question is No
4 :
lot of issues!! what`s wrong with you, boy??
5 :
not for now... i don't think they wanna conquer they will treat us different but they will get used with us...the Romanians will try to go away from country and work and they won't be looked very nice for a while..after they proof they can work and they won't steal.. Romania it will be looked different. give them a time to get used. and if u still thick that way.... ask again
6 :
If you are talking or worrying about getting runned over by a panzer tank on your way to a soccer match. I would say hardly. But it could be a political strategy to control. Some of your government people could be benefited and fall in a co-laboratory disposition to some international project the german government has in mind.
7 :
I highly doubt it The e.u is a way for all of the countries to come togethere to stop wars . and Germany probably wouldn't try to conquere Europe or the World.
8 :
Oh my, oh my? Are you serious? I guess you are.. What gives you the idea the Germans want to conquer the world? What have they done in recent years that is in any way comparable to madman Hitler's expansion plans and turning Europe into "Germania"? Nothing really. Also, though Germany has tried to gain property all over the world during Imperialism in the late 19th and early 20th century, it was by far not the only country to do it, nor the most aggressive in its pursuit, or even the most sucessful, for that matter. Look at all the colonies England had, or France! They are also members of the EU now... And by the way, the EU was "invented" in 1951 by Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg and the Netherlands as a community for the trade of steel and coal.
9 :
Funny thing, that. Last I knew you had to APPLY to be in the EU. I grew up in Germany in the shadow of World War 2, dealing with national shame. I did a report on Dachau in High School and cried for weeks. But then, my mum and my aunt crawled under barbed wire fences as teens to feed POW's, while my grandfather was in a russian prison camp. Maybe it is time to stop the insanity, and look at history not to place blame but to resolve to never let it happen again.
10 :
I bloody hope not...

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