Sunday, October 21, 2012

How do you feel about the situation in Romania

How do you feel about the situation in Romania?
The insane,sick and not elected president of Romania,and it s government,because they have dept about over 10 billion euros to who knows where,decided to cut all tax payers and retire old and sick people,who worked over 20 years to build this society,the payment whit 15-25% or 20,and increase basic food supplies whit 15% That means that if a bottle of milk now cost 1 dollar and a half,soon it will cost 2 dollars and 25 coins.But think about that the the lowest pension is about 75 dollars,now if this law gets past by the gov and the senate and what ever,than the lowest pension will result in reaching the lowest of 55 dollars! That is thanks 4 all of the sweet and blood put to build up a society.I am young and half american i don t live in Romania,but what do the gov and my president(Romania) got whit my parents?I think this is non constitutional,like the opposition is whispering,and my president(Romania),i hope can pay,like all most in 2006-07!Is there anny law for the people or the opposition to fire the president in this kind of situation?but the main question is what do you think about the situation in Romania and do you think this decision is constitutional?Thank you,from a proud half american,and not so proud half romanian...i just moved 3 years ago in America...a little better but not the dream i was expecting,but comparing to Romania...but we do have beautiful places to visit,but that is another story.again thank you!
Current Events - 2 Answers
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1 :
What other course of action is open to the government? They must either raise taxes or lower costs.
2 :
Our president should pray to God we don't do what Greeks do. I for one don't care; I'm sick of this hell hole; as soon as I finish college I'll move to Denmark or Sweden. I blame Russia for all of this, its sickening communism bankrupted the country and made people re*tarded.

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