Thursday, July 21, 2011

Why didn't dragons live in higher altitudes, beyond the Carpathan mountains in Romania

Why didn't dragons live in higher altitudes, beyond the Carpathan mountains in Romania?
In 1450 A.D, the last known living dragon of an ancient pre-historic species was killed by the citizens of Romania in the Carpathan mountains. The frozen body of a mother and a baby dragon was discovered in 2004 in the caves of the Carpathan mountains.The autopsy results of these 2 dragons revealed their age,sexes & their year of murder. But, if these dragons had been living in mountains higher than the Carpathans, they would have survived for a longer time ! They would have survived today had they chose to stay in Mt.Everest instead of the Carpathans. Why didn't these dragons live in higher altitude mountains? Was it impossible for them to live in higher altitude mountains ?
Other - Science - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Reptile family...cold blooded??? Maybe...
2 :
Haha, you watched the dragon special too eh? Yeah, I liked it for the most part. Nah, the dragons were inevitably doomed, because they simply couldn't compete with man. Sure, early on they could, but as technology improved, they wouldn't stand a chance. Bullets would take them down easily (if melee weapons could kill them that easily), and even if they're cold blooded (so that heat seeking missiles don't work), we have flak guns which would explode near them and send shrapnel to rip through them. As Troy McClure once said on the Simpsons, "You may remember me from such films as 'Man vs. Nature, the road to victory'" hehe :D Would've been cool to see one though.
3 :
Please cite sources on the Carpathian dragons. This is a major claim in the field of cryptozoology, and thus deserves major proof for confirmation. Dragons would probably be cold-blooded animals. Living in higher altitudes would expose them more often to cold, which could put them in a hibernation state, unable to defend predator attacks, or find food.
4 :
Hmmm... there were no such things as dragons living in Romania or elsewere... they were all a myth... we still have the folklore filled with tales of brave princes and knights fighting with dragons (called ''zmei'' in romanian, or sometimes ''zgripsori''/''zgripsoroaice'' ). So... the answer is: There is no such thing as dragons thus there is no fact about their living places and/or behavior.

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