Tuesday, June 7, 2011

hi. i am a woman from romania. what documents do i need to marry my boyfriend who is candadian

hi. i am a woman from romania. what documents do i need to marry my boyfriend who is candadian_?
i am living in romania and my boyfriend is from canada. we want to get married but i have to go there for this. i would really appreciate if you could help me with some information about what kind of documents i need and how can i get these documents. i also would like to know how can i get canadian citizenship through marriage.
Law & Ethics - 2 Answers
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1 :
I'd start with my embassy.
2 :
Ask your boyfriend to get an immigration lawyer who will help in processing a fiancee visa. In imigration lawyer approach is the fastest and easiest way to do. Do not try to do guess work or listen to everyone who may claim to know how to do it. I got married to An American girl in California four years ago, but I got a fiancee visa to move to the US before we could wed. If you want more help ask me in http://metralgia.com Mallo

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