Saturday, May 14, 2011

Americans: Do you know anything about the country Romania

Americans: Do you know anything about the country Romania?
I live in Romania and I know a ton of American history.. maybe even more than most americans. But when I say where I'm from I get.."that's a country?" So, do you? If so..what?
Polls & Surveys - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
yeah, Dracula lives there
2 :
They had some awesome gymnasts in the Olympics in the past...
3 :
Vampires :k Lol. I know that song Numa Numa... and I know it has a lot of old "medieval" looking castles and structures. And a lot women there are prostitutes...? And there are gypsies... I think?
4 :
i know that my friend is romanian and shes really annoying. you people are annoying and also vampires live there
5 :
My grandpa was born there. That's pretty much all I know, haha. [edit] Haha, I just noticed it said 'Americans' Whoops, I'm Canadian :) Oh well.
6 :
No. If I said that I did, it would be what I copied and pasted from Wikipedia.
7 :
I remember very well the revolution that toppled Nicolae Ceausescu and his Securitate. Kudos to the Romanians. Now, if only we have another revolution like that in North Korea and the People Republic of China, I would be very happy!
8 :
Americans don't know much about countries like romania, armenia, and azerbajian cause they don't teach much about them in school. Like.. the only thing americans know about armenians is kim kardashian. -.-
9 :
10 :
dracula and vampires haha i've always wanted to go there!
11 :
Romanians aren't necessarily gypsies.
12 :
Numa Numa, Bucharest (the capital) Dracula and My friend! =D (no really, he's from there)... ;|

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