Friday, April 1, 2011

Which country is better to live in for an Asian Russia or Romania

Which country is better to live in for an Asian Russia or Romania?
I heard that the salary in Russia and Romania is about the same. I asked a Moldovan friend who had been Russia and Romania and she said Romania. I would like to go to Romania but colleges doesn't offer the language, and most of my pen pals are in Russia. The only pen pals that I have that are close to Romanians are Moldova. However, Russia seems more cleaner but Romania have nicer people.
Russia - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Hey, thats not true what they say about russian people (especially americans) You should go to russia It rocks!!!
2 :
Moldovians are romanians,thats why they say Romania. But if to compare life in Romania and Russia, cos Russia wins. Salary way highyer,its not the same. But if you're romanian go to Romania,it'd be better for you. But you should remember Moldova the most poorest country of Europe and Romania just second after Moldova.
3 :
Objectively speaking, even if Romania is still "poor" by EU standards, the fact remains that it's part of the EU, and Russia is not. For an immigrant, it's still better to be in Romania since you get better protection in terms of health programs, labor, immigration laws, et al. I love Russia and in my opinion, culturally, economically, linguistically , the country has more to offer than Romania. But for a non white immigrant, Romania would be a better place to live. Besides, not unless you are from Hokkaido or Harbin or other northern Asian City, Russian Winter would a tremendous struggle for you.
4 :
It really depends which part of Russia you want to go. Moscow, St Petersburg and Khantia-Mansia are rich, Chechnya and Ingushetia are poor.
5 :
Romania is very poor, people are very rude, not many know english so my opinion is to stay away from here.

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