Thursday, April 21, 2011

How hard is to move to Romania if you don't live in Europe

How hard is to move to Romania if you don't live in Europe?
I read if you want to buy a house/property there you have to buy a company, am I wrong? That sounds like a lot of work just to buy a house/property. I plan to, but that still does not answer the question.
Immigration - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Get a visa and fly over there.
2 :
A bit here
3 :
I'm romanian, but I honestly don't know. I think you have to get the equivalent of a green card or something.
4 :
As a foreigner you may own the house but not the land underneath and around so you will need to put the land on a Romanian's name but as a juridical person (company) you may own the house and the land. You can found a company, it takes around 2 weeks or so, but then things can get a bit complicated, you'll need to employ an accountant for example. If you have a Romanian friend you trust, you can put the land on his/her name (I would personally not advise it, things could get nasty). However, from 2012 they will have to allow European citizens to own land.

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