Thursday, April 14, 2011

what i need to do to invite a person from USA to Romania

what i need to do to invite a person from USA to Romania?
I am from Romania, i live in Braila City.I want to invite a person, who is now in USA, to Romania but i don't know where should i go to make this invitation and also i want to know how much it will cost me to do this. Thank you.
Other - Holidays - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It might be wise to ask them if they have a passport, then check on the requirments in Romania for tourism. If Romania is a part of the EU (which I'm not sure) then all you gotta do is ask the person to come over, and they fly over using their passport. Too easy.
2 :
It may be best for you to host a foreign exchange student. That way you will know something about the person before they arrive. And it's much safer. I hope I am understanding your question,,, did you already have a special person in mind? I would say you probably need to speak to someone in immigration (of Romania), they should be able to assist you with any questions you may have. GOOD LUCK!
3 :
Anyone ever seen that movie 'Hostel' cause, this post is giving me that kind of vibe,
4 :
i'm an australian living in Romania now, nobody had to invite me and it didn't cost a cent. You can just ask that person to come, and if he/she wants then he/she can.

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