Friday, July 1, 2011

What do you know about Romania

What do you know about Romania ?
I live in Romania.I love my country and I want to see what do you think about it. Have you ever been here? did you like it or not ... etc
Other - Europe - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I was in Romania working there during the summer for about a month. I like it and think it's a great country to visit. It is poor country, but rich in history and culture. I read about Romania before, and I know they are a Latin-European people related to the Romans and Dacian tribe, but very mixed with Celts, Slavs, Goths, Mongols and Turks and they speak a Romance language just like Italian, Spanish, French, and Portugese. Bucharest the capital looks kinda ugly, with too much concrete, and grey colors. but there are some older building left behind before the communist demolition. But Brasov is a beautiful city, and has nice architecture, and I loved Roznov Fortress. The "Dracula Castle" is too commercialized. People also act more European, than in Bucharest. I think because it is in Transylvania. The Sinia area was beautiful too. I loved Peles Castle. I hope to return again to Romania again badly because one month went so fast. I want to see more Transylvania, Moldavia region, and black sea. I wish I could stay for a longer time there. Oh and I am from the U.S, and the girls in Romania are the most beautiful girls that I have ever seen in the whole world and my whole life. I have never seen so many exotic slender fit girls with long legs, and just the right amount of curves. I like their sexy accents and their style. I hope to make more friends next time I go there.
2 :
I've been living here for a year now and I like some things and dislike others. The hospitals, doctors, overpriced tat in shops, crazy bureaucracy, broken footpaths and roads are my main dislikes. They are things that I can handle- deal with them and get on with life. But when I see how some people live here, I want to cry. I see ramshackle houses with no electricity or water and children living inside. Next door, there's a massive villa with a expensive car parked in the driveway. I find people have a depressed air about them here and it doesn't surprise me. The difference between rich and poor here is shocking and I find it hard to get my head around. On the plus side- people are friendly enough once you get to know them. The weather is great in the summer . Eh, that's it really! Maybe I should move home?

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