Saturday, December 1, 2012

Where could i get a pet raven

Where could i get a pet raven?
I absolutely love ravens.I always admired how smart they are.I used to have one a couple of years ago,but some drunkard killed it by accident while handling some crates.I've had it since it was pretty small,but it could feed itself.Once it got used to me,we were best buds. So now i really want to have another one.I live in romania,and it's not considered illegal taking one into your home.Where could i get a young one? Where do they nest?When can i look for baby ravens?How can i tell when they can eat by themselves? Animal activists don't bother with "It belongs in the wild" type of stuff !!! In romania,both crows AND ravens are considered pests and people kill them on a regular basis.Also,how can i tell the difference between a male and a felame?Which one would you reccomend to be more inclined to get acustomed to me? Animal activists don't bother with "It belongs in the wild" type of stuff !!! In romania,both crows AND ravens are considered pests and people kill them on a regular basis.Also,how can i tell the difference between a male and a female?Which one would you reccomend to be more inclined to get acustomed to me?
Birds - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
"Once upon a midnight dreary While I pondered weak and weary..."
2 :
some store
3 :
Outside in a nest??
4 :
magnificent birds...!!! to get a raven your self, try watching for the mated pair to 'dance' ..they do there courtships in the sky..where ever you see them dancing, there will be up-draft air currents from land formations, and they will not be far from there choice of nesting area.. Ravens nest are not hard to identify..nor is it difficult finding them. Watch for white poop marks on prominent cliffs. ...or wads of sticks in tree branches...don't disturb the 'nesting' until you can see the young venturing out of the nest.. The best choice of nestlings is to take the most venturesome of the clutch..the more attentive you are to it once he is 'in hand', the more bonded he will be to you when he learns to fly. Taken at that age, the bird should never need be tethered, or's dependence transference will be nearly total. In America, it is not legal to have ravens for pets...I envy you your country's acceptance of them... they are natures messengers..very human compatible, and very intelligent.
5 :
Ravens are protected by law, even in Romania. Totusi, daca n-ai ce can go into the mountains, find a raven's nest with eggs in it, take an egg, have it hatched and then raise the resulting chick.

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