Monday, May 21, 2012

what languages are spoken in airport announcements in your country

what languages are spoken in airport announcements in your country?
i live in romania and here they are in english french and romanian.
Polls & Surveys - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Singapore. English
2 :
English and French They should start speaking chinese too. We have so many in Vancouver. I think it would be only fair to.
3 :
in hong kong theres english, cantonese and mandarin
4 :
i live in vancouver and they announce in english and french
5 :
Portuguese, Turkish and English .
6 :
english and mandarin if i can remember Singapore
7 :
USA English and Spanish
8 :
I live in UAE. Here it is announced in Arabic and English

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