Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Week That Was…

The Week That Was…

Country Views United States 25,448 United Kingdom 3,557 Canada 1,892 Australia 1,491 Switzerland 1,471 Germany 1,083 Argentina 723 Netherlands 638 Brazil 486 New Zealand 385 Israel 376 Republic of Korea 351 Denmark 345 South Africa 327 Italy 296 Finland 277 Belgium 229 France 221 Hong Kong 220 Roman ...

How radical are you?

Earlier this week I saw a tweet from my friend Brian. But I was traveling to Romania for my new job. So not only could I not read it right away, I couldn’t write about it right away. Then, as I got here and started working, the days went long. Right now, as I write this, it’s 2 am at the end of my f ...

Weekly Wrap-Up: Odile Rips Through Mexico, Unleashes Flooding in US

Post by Raul Angelo Salindong. Heavy rainfall, as part of a slow-moving storm system which spread from the Balkans into parts of Romania, inundated parts of Serbia, resulting in two deaths and causing dangerous conditions on roadways. Much-needed moisture ...

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