Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Implications of US Policy on Ukraine

The Implications of US Policy on Ukraine

On a visit to Washington, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko spoke before a joint session of Congress, asking the United States to stand with Ukraine against Russian aggression. More specifically, he asked for increased military aid, including weaponry, which the U.S. has not so far provided, and ...

CĂRȚI (16): Fahrenheit 451

Originally posted on Romania Evanghelica: “ Fahrenheit 451 este o utopie negativă de mare impact, interzisă, fireşte, în lumea comunistă pe care o viza, la fel ca marile romane ale lui George Orwell “1984“ sau “Ferma animalelor“. Personajul Montag, ca şi Smith al lui Orwell, are sarci ...

Israel Wins Gold, Bronze Medals at European Judo Youth Championship

Illustrative image of a Judo fight. An Israeli won a gold medal at the under-21 European Judo Championship held in Bucharest, Romania. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. – Israeli Baruch Shmailov, 20, won a gold medal at the under-21 European Judo Championship in Bucharest, Romania. Shmailov competed ...

Romtelecom and Cosmote to use Telekom Romania brand

Romtelecom and Cosmote Romania will change their legal name to Telekom Romania Communication, Telekom Romania Mobile Communications respectively, and will begin to operate on the market under the brand Telekom Romania by the middle of September.“As a ...

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