Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The beginning of my journey with the Miss Virtual World organization

The beginning of my journey with the Miss Virtual World organization

Back in June for the first round of three auditions, I submitted a headshot hoping to get my chance. Sadly, I was not chosen then. Given my trip to Romania (which consequently did not happen this year), I did not re-submit for July but waited for August. In between I found a new skin that I fell in ...

Romanian Romas celebrate the birth of the Virgin Mary

The Roma community in Romania celebrates the Birth of the Virgin Mary in Costesti, Romania. Thousands of Gypsies or Roma gather on a hillside after attending a religious service in a nearby monastery and celebrate the holiday by sharing food and playing traditional music until the next dawn. The fea ...

Sea inspired cake - waves and boat

Guess who's back? My holiday is officially over and I feel so happy to be back and ready for business. This month is full of events and orders for me and I could not be any happier. Just wait and see! And to start my busy season, here is one of the cakes I made for my beloved son for his second anni ...

6th Cultural Dialogue China / EUNIC to be held in Bucharest

Romania will host the 6th Cultural Dialogue China / Eunic meeting which brings together intellectuals, cultural practitioners and cultural policy makers from Europe and China to strengthen cultural cooperation within creative industries and develop people-to-people relations. On the theme: PUBLIC SP ...

'The Abbottsford Cats-The Sphere of Remel' CHAPTER 10 'Curse of Tobar'

Shandor stared from his hideaway as Yiva fought with the man, unable to move. When the man ran outside, his legs couldn't move fast enough. Someone had been protecting him. He darted out of the house, passing the cats coming in. This man hurt his friends. The time for flight was over. The SUVs' hatc ...

''National Day'' (Dzua Natsionala) of ''Macedo-aromanians / Macedo-romanians'' and its historical origins

Για ελληνικά: ~ Η ''Dzua Natsionala'' των ''Μακεδ-α-ρουμάνων'' και οι ιστορικές της καταβολές It is well known that in recent years some ‘circles’ promoted the construction of an independent Vlach/Aromanian ethnicity, free of any link with Greece and Hellenism in general. Under this policy, some ass ...

Pe ceas. Cu 60 de minute mai batran- premiera timisoreana

Piesa a deschis stagiunea de toamna la Teatrul National. O cuvantare mica inaintea lansarii, intretinuta cald de cei care au colaborat la realizare, romani si nemti, intrarea in sala micuta asezata in scari ca o mica tribuna sportiva, patru actori care recitau( in timp ce ne ocupam locurile) rezumat ...

Castlevania: Symphony of the Mike Part 1 – OCDracula

Is it fair to retroactively psycho-analyze fictional characters? Perhaps not, in the sense that I am in no way ascribing motive to Koji Igarashi or anyone else who worked on Symphony of the Night, but as each player takes on the role of Alucard each player must take on the role of creator in decidin ...

Miksi Ukrainan kriisi on lännen syytä?

Chicagon yliopiston valtiotieteen professori John J. Mearsheimer esitti tähän mennessä ylivoimaisesti parhaan analyysin Ukrainan kriisistä Foreign Affairs verkkosivustolla. Mearsheimer onnistuu avaamaan monen suomalaisenkin jakaman näkemyksen vastaanpanemattomin argumentein. Ehdotankin, että sen sij ...

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