Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Skinless Serbian sausages: Cevapcici (sausages) and ajvar (roasted red pepper sauce)

Skinless Serbian sausages: Cevapcici (sausages) and ajvar (roasted red pepper sauce)

It’s been a pretty whirlwind couple of weeks in the Mash House! Since we cooked our Croatian food and started thinking about Serbia, Miranda has gone back to work after the summer holidays, Ash has been home from work with a stomach virus, and to top it all, we got engaged on 29 August!! So, much as ...

Braşov: două zile de meditație cu Bill Karelis

RO [for English version scroll down] Cultivând starea de trezie în viaţă cotidiană Un program de două zile de meditație cu Bill Karelis 27-28 Septembrie 2014 Uneori mergem prin viață ca niște somnambuli, repetând mereu aceleaşi obiceiuri ale corpului, ale vorbirii şi ale minţii, rănindu-ne pe noi în ...

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