Thursday, September 11, 2014

Chucky Jeffery To Play Professionally In Romania

Chucky Jeffery To Play Professionally In Romania

BOULDER – Former University of Colorado and WNBA guard Chucky Jeffery has signed a one-year contract to play for ASC Sepsi SIC Sfantu Gheorghe of the Romanian Liga Nationala. A native of Colorado Springs, Colo., Jeffery will play overseas for the first ...

Romania demands explanation over Russian threat

Romania has demanded that Russia explain remarks by its deputy prime minister. Dmitry Rogozin threatened to make a return visit to Moldova's breakaway Trans-Dniester region in a strategic TU-160 bomber aircraft. In a further sign that Sunday's referenda in ...

Memancing di Kedah | Pancing Kedah - Blogger - Memancing di Kedah

Memancing di Kedah | Pancing Kedah - Blogger - Memancing di Kedah Memancing di Kedah | Pancing Kedah - Blogger Posted: 10 May 2014 04:11 PM PDT SEORANG lelaki memancing di dalam lubang sebuah tasik beku di pinggir bandar raya Bucharest kelmarin. Ungkap Rahsia Yang Maha Ag ...

La nuova Commissione Europea

Il nuovo organigramma della Commissione Europea Presidente Jean-Claude Juncker, Lussemburgo Primi vicepresidenti Frans Timmermans, responsabile per la sicurezza, Paesi Bassi Federica Mogherini, alto rappresentante per gli affari esteri, Italia Vicepresidenti Kristalina Georgieva, Bilancio e risorse ...

....Post despre cum a simt eu a total bitch!

Am nevoie de ceva muzica sa pot scrie asta ....aaaaa Kings Of Leon - Closer! Nu multa lume stie ca am participat la concursul MasterChef ....Pentru mine a fost o mare realizare ca am avut curajul sa trimit mailul cu care m-am inscris daramite sa ajung pana unde am ajuns! Este o realizare si nu este ...


I like writing at night and with pen on paper because I feel like my mind runs more freely and I get more insightful, my thought process tends to go beyond the surface. I also felt like it was time for a more personal blogpost among all book and movie reviews which I got you used to. Slowly but sure ...

Se vehiculeaza controverse.. Noroc cu Maruta!

De fiecare data cand o piranda se ineaca in oceanul de iubire si se incalceste cu bardul Nicolae Guta, expresia apartine in totalitatea ei artistului de matase, acesta din urma ajunge sa faca teste de paternitate iar noi trebuie sa traim cu controversa vrem nu vrem. Pana acum s-a ajuns la testarea c ...

Twitter Ad Expansion To 12 International Markets To Improve Twitter Earning's Performance

By Bilal Amed For those who like to keep up with all the trends that Twitter has been going through I would love to help you all catch up. Today, I will be talking about the biggest news that Twitter has given us and that is the fact that it will be releasing additional ads that for the non us marke ...

Exploring London

9 September 2014: A Wonderful Day in London We arise to have breakfast downstairs at The Orange, and Barney tries the massive “Full English,” while I have two poached eggs and some blood sausage. The fellow who serves us is quite nice (we met him yesterday), and the breakfast is incredible, we won’t ...

Cutremur moderat în zona Vrancea – Moderate earthquake in Romania

Last update: September 10, 2014 at 9:13 pm Earthquake-report – Actualizare 20:25 UTC: Intensitatea teoretică calculată pentru acest seism: Intensitate teoretică ShakeMap Actualizare 20:19 UTC: Magnitudinea a fost revizuită la 4,8 ml, iar adâncimea la 105 km. Intensitatea estimată: IV. Seismul s-a pr ...

11-09-2014 00:09:30 GMT [6h_qed]

test_rssmix This feed was created by mixing existing feeds from various sources. Contents: --------- - M4.7 ROMANIA 10/09/2014 19:45 (UTC) - EARTHQUAKE: Magnitude 4.7 ROMANIA 10/09/2014 19:45 (UTC) M4.7 ROMANIA 10/09/2014 19:45 (UTC) ...

Avem si in Romania un doi metri de bulbuci.

Azi am aflat de la tv ca avem si in Romania un "doi metri de bulbuci". Descrierea facuta de Basescu lui Iohannis , mai ales referinta la inaltimea acestuia, mi-a adus aminte de aceasta expresie folosita de Voronin la adresa lui Marian Lupu. Instantaneu m-a bufnit rasul. E adevarat ca Basescu nu s-a ...

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