Saturday, September 6, 2014

Bulgaria - Da alle ble solbrente...

Bulgaria - Da alle ble solbrente...

Bulgaria - Da alle ble solbrente... En av de første dagene i Bulgaria på bryllupsreise, bestemte de to utkårede seg for å rusle en liten tur. Langs kysten gikk en nydelig sjarmerende vei som slynget seg mot byen Balchik. Sjekk sjamen i skiltet under :P Selv med busker som kilte på begge sider klarte ...

Nature’s peace

“Walk away quietly in any direction and taste the freedom of the mountaineer. Camp out among the grasses and gentians of glacial meadows, in craggy garden nooks full of nature’s darlings. Climb the mountains and get their good tidings, Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. ...

Karsinnat käynnistyvät – Huuhkajat taistelee EM-kisapaikasta

Suomen jalkapallon A-maajoukkue lähtee tuleviin EM-karsintoihin poikkeuksellisen hyvistä lähtökohdista. Arpaonni oli suosiollinen ja lähes kaikki pelaajat saavat hyvin vastuuta omissa seurajoukkueissaan. Karsinnat käynnistyvät tulevana sunnuntaina, kun Huuhkajaryhmä matkustaa Färsaarten vieraaksi. E ...


THE WAR? YES, WE CAN! Nelle stesse ore in cui a Minsk si concordava una tregua tra Ucraina e Russia, in Galles si progettavano azioni ben diverse: la NATO dava consenso ed il via a un programma di rafforzamento militare nei paesi baltici, in Polonia e Romania. La NATO ha così resuscitato tutto inter ...

Suspected Bot List [2014-09-05]

detection period: 2014-09-05 00:00-23:59 UTC number of suspected bots' IPs listed here: 94 IP addresses listed here all exhibit strange network behavior. As I could not notify the victims for various reasons (no working abuse contact, mailbox over quota, etc.), I list them here instead. I have to em ...

Gazele de șist, situaţie explozivă în Vestul ţării. Analiza apei din Beba Veche arată că ar fi contaminată cu arsenic

Vestul Timisului sta pe un butoi cu pulbere din pricina firmelor de prospectiuni pentru gazele de sist, iar localnicii se pregatesc de revolta. Ultimele analize ale apei din zona arata o crestere alarmanta a nivelului de arsen, o adevarata otrava, spun specialistii, pentru ca in timp duce la dezvolt ...

7 Alternatives To Monarching

g., Constantine II, King of your Hellenes) as being a courtesy title, not a constitutional place, for that period of their life time. However the title then dies with them and isn’t used by subsequent heirs or claimants Except if the crown is restored constitutionally. Monarchs that have freely abdi ...


CocoVin ja Fitfarmin yhdessä toteuttama uutuustuote Super Mix on todellista superfoodia runsaine vitamiineineen ja antioksidantteineen. Super Mixissä on lisäksi varsin mukavasti proteiinia ja kuitua. Tuote pitää sisällään seuraavaa: Kuorittu hampunsiemen (Romania), chian siemen (Etelä-Amerikka), ban ...

Medical waste plastic bag blowing machine in Romania

Medical waste plastic bag blowing machine in Romania - Model MB55-1000 Polystar (Taiwan) - Original manufacturer of Medical waste plastic bag blowing machine in Romania 1. Medical waste plastic bag blowing machine in Romania combined with logo printing machine. 2. Compact Medical waste plastic bag b ...

Noi suntem bine

Uitandu-ma la Ucraina pot spune ca noi – Romania suntem bine. Dar ce facem mai departe? Avem langa noi Polonia, care vrea sa-si impuna regula, iar noi nu putem sta de 6 sa nu faca vreo traznaie. Avem Bulgaria, cu ideologia ei de securitate interna, care nu vrea sa intre in competitie. Avem Ungaria, ...

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