Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Paid hitchhiking becomes illegal in Romania

Paid hitchhiking becomes illegal in Romania

Drivers who perform public transport services without an authorization issued by the public administration can be fined by the local authorities, according to a draft law recently passed by the Government, cited by local Mediafax. That is to day paid ...

Romania Invites Malaysian Firms To Invest In Infrastructure, Construction Projects

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 27 (Bernama) -- Romania, the largest country in southeast Europe, is inviting Malaysian companies to invest in its infrastructure and construction projects like railways and highways, Romania State Secretary for Global Affairs Carmen ...

Romania, 4th CEE country by number of big companies

Romania is ranked 4th among countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) according to the number of companies present in the Top 500 largest companies in the region edited by Coface and quoted by Mediafax.There are 48 big companies active in Romania, just ...

The Academies: Leinster

Loosehead Prop Ed Byrne(20/Year 3/UCD/Clongowes) Peter Dooley(20/Year 2/Lansdowne/Birr RFC) Ed Byrne missed the start of last season with a shoulder problem, but returned in the second half impressed for the A team. Peter Dooley has featured heavily for Ireland under-20 last season along with Lansdo ...

Concurs de design: Creeaza cea mai inspirata agenda de birou!

Daca te pasioneaza design-ul si iti place sa creezi lucruri frumoase, Bucharest Design Center impreuna cu Antalis Romania te provoaca sa realizezi cel mai inspirat, simpatic si eficient cuplu Agenda & Calendar de birou pentru 2015. Tema concursului este "World of Colours" si trebuie sa folosesti cat ...

Centrele de Date devin cei mai mari poluatori

Concluzia apartine americanilor de la National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) care sustin ca Centrele de Date au devenit principalii consumatori de energie electrica si indirect (energia electrica inca se obtine preponderent prin arderea combustibililor fosili) unii dintre cei mai mari poluatori. ...

Noile tehnologii si inovatii 'in actiune' la BIFE-SIM 2014

Expozitia industriei mobilei organizata in anul 2014, sub genericul BIFE-SIM reuneste la complexul expozitional ROMEXPO numeroase firme, din tara si de peste hotare, care doresc sa aduca bucuria in sufletul tuturor vizitatorilor, prin oferta de mobila, produse finite din lemn, decoratiuni si alte mt ...


Ecco il complesso lavoro preparato da due alunne di origine rumena della 2aM dell'IC Rivarolo. Veramente notevole, comprese le presentazioni su Prezi che linkiamo sotto il Power Point. ROMANIA. Il territorio from scrivarolo13 Viaggio nelle città della Romania (parte 1) Viaggio nelle città della Roma ...

Southern Serbia, the road to Montenegro

Spent a full week in Belgrade which is the longest I've stayed in a single place. Could have spent longer really it has such a cruisy vibe. Lake on the way out of Belgrade Hills leaving Belgrade Road, ended.... But luckily this little bridge gave me a detour The terrain through Southern serbia has b ...

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