Sunday, August 24, 2014

Gospodinele se pregatesc pentru muraturile de toamna. Romania este lider regional la consumul de acrituri

Gospodinele se pregatesc pentru muraturile de toamna. Romania este lider regional la consumul de acrituri

Cand targurile sunt pline de castraveti, gogosari sau conopida, stim sigur ca se apropie toamna. Cu gandul la mesele intinse, care vor cere cu siguranta si un castron cu muraturi, gospodinele s-au prezentat la piata.

Know your grapes – Pinot Noir

The classic example Pinot Noir’s homeland is the slopes of the Côte d’Or in Burgundy. Here, villages such as Gevrey-Chambertin, Nuits St Georges and Vosne-Romanée make some of the world’s greatest reds. Visitors expecting grand chateaus will be disappointed: on the whole, the impression is understat ...

It couldn’t have happened on a nicer day… 23 August, last century.

The Battle of Mons and the Massacre at Dinant, Sunday 23 August 1914 In their first major battle, the BEF faced the Germans at Mons. The advancing Germans were unaware of either the strength or position of the British and were unable to press home their numerical advantage. The experienced and well- ...

Table of Contents and other potential poets

We have apparently lost our complete listing of poets and poetic subjects. Below I relist my ongoing listing of poets on which I've written and others I am still proposing. Gradually, I will relink these offerings. But if you can help by offering new entries on any poet or subject listed below, I ap ...

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