Saturday, July 21, 2012

do you like romania

do you like romania?why?
i live in romania and my family says it is a mess and they want to move.
Other - Europe - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I can't say I've ever been.
2 :
Yeah , because it is messy.
3 :
it is, and all the Romanians i know are miserable and like it much better anywhere else but in Romania...
4 :
I live in Romania too. But you know, even though it's not the best country (my parents want to move too because of the payment - I mean, in other countries they would be payed better for what they do here) , neither are others. It is true that some are more civilized, but Romania can be a beautiful country if you are a tourist. It has beautiful scenery. But if you live here, like we do, you can face some problems like money and other things. I want to move in another country. I would even like to go to a college in a foreign country. And speaking about education, you know, here the education is way better than in other country, and this can be either good and bad. Good because we are smarter, bad because we are sometimes suffocated with a lot of school subjects that do not matter. (please, in 5-8 I had this stupid class- educatie tehnologica. Whaaaat?! Sh*t).
5 :
There are things that you cannot get in Romania by working a regular job or even just going to college. Buying a car, a decent apartment or having any luxuries is extremely difficult without going to work in another country. I love Romania for so many reasons and my husband and I still keep a garsoniera there for when we spend the summer, but only our life and jobs in the US provide us with a way to enjoy what Romania has to offer. Living and working out of the country has worked well for us, we have set up a very nice life for ourselves and we have good jobs that offer a lot of freedom to visit our family and enjoy life, but it can be very lonely. Especially if you visit family and enjoy socializing...we don't really do that because people are busy working or we all live too far from each other. So everything has its good and bad, but if you are not making it in RO, I suggest at least giving a chance to working in another country while you are young. Just make sure you find safe jobs and don't trust offers of employment that are too good to be true.

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