Wednesday, September 17, 2014

SOCAR opens 30 gas station in Romania

SOCAR opens 30 gas station in Romania

The company plans to increase the number of filling stations to 100 and capturing 10% of the market. On the eve of the 20 anniversary of the conclusion of the "Contract of the Century" and "Day of Petroleum" representative of SOCAR in Romania will put into ...

Romania Opens Transrarău, The Treasures Road

You might have heard about the Transfăgărăşan¸ a splendid mountain road in Romania. It was actually named by the famous TV show Top Gear as ”the most beautiful road in the world”. You might have also heard about the Transalpina, another mountain ...

Touching moment two abandoned stray dogs are rescued from a lake in Romania ... 48 HOURS after they were thrown in

This heartwarming video shows the moment two dogs were rescued from a lake in Dej, Romania, by volunteers from an animal protection group. The rescuers were alerted to the dogs' plight by locals living nearby. The strays had been stuck in the lake for 48 ...

Two killed in floods in Serbia and Romania

At least two people have been killed and five are missing in flash floods and landslides that hit Serbia and Romania. An elderly woman was swept away in a flash flood and three were missing in municipalities on the Serbian side of the River Danube, said ...

Romania cannot sue Gazprom over gas supply disruptions

Razvan Nicolescu, the delegate minister, told radio station RFI in an interview that Romania cannot sue Russian Gazprom over any reduction of gas imports to the country, because Romania does not have direct supply contracts with the oil company, reports ...

Romania has EUR 200 mln debt to hospitals in other European countries

Romania’s Government has EUR 200 million in debt to European hospitals, which will not treat Romanians any more until this sum will be paid, according to a federation of Romanians in Europe (FADERE). The largest liabilities are to hospitals in Germany ...

Deputat ucrainean aruncat în tomberon

Post from: ROMANIA INEDIT > Deputat ucrainean aruncat în tomberon Post from: ROMANIA INEDITDeputat ucrainean aruncat în tomberon In materialul video de mai jos puteti vedea un deputat ucrainean aruncat în tomberon de protestatari. Subiecte pe aceeasi tema : Bataie in parlamentul ucrainean Post ...

Cum iti determini sotul sa renunte la femei si bautura

Post from: ROMANIA INEDIT > Cum iti determini sotul sa renunte la femei si bautura Post from: ROMANIA INEDITCum iti determini sotul sa renunte la femei si bautura O bruneta ii cere sfatul unei blonde: – Auzi fata, cum iti determini sotul sa renunte la femei si bautura? – Asta depinde daca e un ...

Romtelecom si COSMOTE sunt acum Telekom Romania (P)

Articol sponsorizat de Telekom Romania. Reţeaua ta integrată fix-mobil, pentru milioanele de experienţe care merită împărtăşite. Unul din doi români care folosesc în prezent servicii Romtelecom sau COSMOTE România au devenit utilizatori ai Telekom Romania. Sub sloganul “EXPERIENȚE ÎMPREUNĂ”, Telekom ...

Metrorex urmeaza sa achizitioneze 51 de trenuri noi

Metrorex asteapta oferte pentru 51 de trenuri. Pe acestea va plati 345 de milioane de euro din bani europeni, iar firmele romanesti nu pot participa din cauza conditiilor impuse (orice firma ce doreste sa participe la licitatie trebuie sa aiba o cifra de afaceri de cel putin 300 de milioane de euro ...

Transylvania Highlights Romania tour

Transylvania is home to some of Europe’s best-preserved medieval towns, most notably Brasov, featuring Old Saxon architecture and citadel ruins; Sibiu with its cobblestone streets and pastel-colored houses, and Sighisoara, adorned with a hilltop citadel, secret passageways and a 14th century clock t ...

Bella Italia all’Europeo misto di Tarnby

Come sempre la stagione internazionale è iniziata con l’Europeo misto. Poco ghiaccio nelle gambe e nella testa ma si deve pur iniziare questa nuova stagione. L’Italia gioca nel gruppo C in gara con Romania, Spagna, Bielorussia, Finlandia, Estonia, Ungheria e Galles. Sulla carta è di certo un raggrup ...

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