Thursday, September 11, 2014

Jovanovski wins match of ex-Tashkent Open champs

Jovanovski wins match of ex-Tashkent Open champs

Another former champ was ousted, 2012 winner and second seed Irina-Camelia Begu of Romania, by Lesia Tsurenko of Ukraine 3-6, 6-1, 7-6 (3). Local wild card Nigina Abduraimova, who until this week last won a WTA main draw match here in 2009, put 12 aces ...

China is sole bidder for Romania nuclear new builds

China General Nuclear (CGN) filed a non-binding bid to build two new reactors at the Cernavoda nuclear power plant in Romania. CGN was the only prospective investor to file the big by a Sept. 8 deadline, according to Reuters. Romanian state-owned nuclear ...

Moldova to get Russian gas from Romania if Ukraine blocks its transit -minister

Baku-APA. Moldova will be able to receive Russian gas from Romania if Ukraine blocks its transit, Deputy Prime Minister and Economy Minister Adrian Candu said on Wednesday, APA reports quoting ITAR-TASS. Once the Yassy-Ungeny gas pipeline, being built ...

After men, women also draw a blank at Wrestling World C'ship

Priyanka Singh lost 0-4 in the roundof 32 to Emilia Alina Vuc of Romania to make early exit, whileSuman Kundu lost 0-5 in the qualifying round bout of 69kgcategory against Russia's Natalia Vorobeva, thus failing tomake it to the proper competition.India ...

Top seed Lisicki in a Hong Kong hurry

Lisicki had spent almost two-and-a-half sapping hours on court the previous night in getting past Romania's Monica Niculescu in three sets, but was in a big hurry 24 hours later. The German sealed the second-round victory over her American opponent in just ...

Romania gets regional politics portfolio in the Junker Commission

Romania’s Corina Cretu was appointed European Commissioner for Regional Politics in the new European Commission which is led by Jean-Claude Junker. The ceremony to present the members of the Junker Commission took place in Brussels on Wednesday ...

The Door between Canada and Romania

Canada has very good bilateral relations with Romania. Our countries enjoy strong political ties, highlighted by our shared membership in many organizations including the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), la Francophonie, and as NATO allies. A number of important high level ...

Conferință națională de diseminare: “Responsabilitate Socială pentru TOȚI!”

In Romania conceptul de responsabilitate socială a companiei s-a nascut in anul 1990 când multe ONG-uri (in special cu obiective comerciale de scop umanitar) au fost fondate cu asistenta institutiilor internationale publice sau private. Sectorul privat, responsabil de aplicarea practicilor … Continu ...

Profilaxia stomatologica

Tratamentul stomatologic profilactic are drept scop prevenirea si tratarea afectiunilor stomatologice prin asigurarea unei igiene dentare optime. Igiena orala reprezinta un mod de viata. Repercursiunile in cazul neglijentei pot fi dintre cele mai neplacute. Metoda pentru a dobandi o buna calitate a ...

DEZVĂLUIRI. Corina Crețu, AFACERI cu Tolontan în tinerețe. Perioada FSN

Corina Cretu, fosta ziarista la ziarul AZI, oficina guvernamentala a FSN-ului, ajunsa purtator de cuvant al lui Ion Iliescu, va ocupa un portofoliu important in cadrul Comisiei Europene, cel pentru politici regionale, foarte important pentru tarile care beneficiaza de fondurile de coeziune, cu atat ...

Ce o recomanda pe Corina Cretu pentru postul de comisar european pentru politici regionale: o relatie apropiata cu Ion Iliescu si Daciana Sarbu, o afacere cu Catalin Tolontan, Iosif Boda, Niculescu Mi ... Corina Cretu, fosta ziarista la ziarul ...

Guest Post: The Healing Properties of Unrefined Salts

By Joan Hardin “There is a real misunderstanding about salt. On one hand, our consumption of salt seems to be killing us. On the other hand, we cannot live without salt. So, in order to answer this loaded question we must first explore the differences between table salt and unrefined salt.” - Radian ...

Train Trauma

October 31st, 2012 Left the little oasis of Varkala and headed in the direction of Hampi (via Goa) to meet Amanda and Ben! Amanda and I have been friends since way back in the Cicero’s/university days, and her and Ben had recently finished 2 years living and working in Romania with the Peace Corp. B ...


Toate partidele private de la guvernare, cumpără alegerile prezidenţiale din 2 şi 16 noiembrie 2014,prin cumpărarea de noi primari din ţară şi din Bucureşti, astfel încât să fie rezultatele alegerilor electorale din toamne, să fie date de partidele private de la ciolane de lux, şoi nu de oamenii car ...

Проект ŤРумынияť - это Украина XIX века

У тех, кто интересуется европейской историей и географией, происходящие на Украине события должны вызывать реакцию в духе «это все когда-то уже было». В XIX веке на границах Российской империи уже возникало сотканное из лоскутов государство, объединенное идеей собственного величия (уходящего в глубь ...

Meet The New Leadership Of Europe: Presenting The "Juncker Commission"

As reported eaelier this morning, here, courtesy of Bloomberg, are the nominees for the next European Commission under the presidency of Jean-Claude "If Serioues Then lie" Juncker, with one from each of the European Union’s 28 countries. Job assignments were announced today by the incoming president ...

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