Friday, September 12, 2014

Jackie Chan ne poarta IA

Jackie Chan ne poarta IA

Astazi Jackie Chan a venit pentru prima oara in Romania. Sunt mandru ca a ajuns pe plaiurile noastre mioritice. Si am fost foarte mandru cand l-am vazut ca poarta ia noastra, portul nostru popular, dar nu doar el purta ie, ci si actrita care a venit cu el. Impresionant este ca face filme de 53 de an ...

Albert and Charlene

I love weddings and I am sure Princess Grace would have loved to see this day come along. Charlene Wittstock ,of South Africa, agreed to honor the Prince and became his wife in 2011. They are now also expecting their first child. The Prince has two illegitimate children, one of which was born just b ...

"Festival Internazionale del Cibo di Strada" dal 3 al 5 ottobre 2014 a Cesena (FC)

Cresce l’attesa per l’ottava edizione del "Festival Internazionale del Cibo di Strada" che si terrà nel centro storico di Cesena (FC) , da venerdì 3 fino a domenica 5 ottobre 2014. L’accesso all’area festival è libero, senza biglietto di ingresso. Sito internet ( ) e pagina Face ...

Photo from Kusadasi, June 2011 (VI)

Photo from Kusadasi, June 2011 (I) Photo from Kusadasi, June 2011 (II) Photo from Kusadasi, June 2011 (III) Photo from Kusadasi, June 2011 (IV) Photo from Kusadasi, June 2011 (V) Tagged: 2011, Black Sea, gallery photo, gallery type, June, photo, photo gallery, photography, Romania, sea, water

Jackie Chan si un sincer "TE IUBESC" pentru Romania. Actorul a recunoscut in direct la ProTV singurul lucru de care se teme

Celebrul actor Jackie Chan, pe care toti il cunosc pentru cascadoriile sale comice din filmele cu arte martiale de la Hollywood, se afla in Romania.

Vodafone Romania starts 5th volunteer programme

Vodafone Romania's Vodafone Foundation announced the start of the fifth edition of its 'Professional volunteer (Voluntar de profesie)' NGO volunteer programme. A total of 9 people will take part in the programme over a period of 9 months and will work for ...

Russia says dissatisfied with U.S. talks over arms treaty concerns

Russia argues that Washington’s use of drones and other intermediate-range arms amounts to a violation of the treaty and has said that planned U.S. weapons tests in Romania and Poland may also breach the agreement. The talks in Moscow were attended by U ...

Romania: TVR confirms participation in Eurovision 2015

TVR, the national broadcaster has confirmed to that Romania will participate at the forthcoming 2015 Eurovision Song Contest in Austria next year. The method and mechanism TVR will opt in order to select the 2015 Romanian entry and ...

STERLING HEIGHTS: Macomb woman raises money to fund reunion with Romanian birth family

In 2012, Magreta created several networking pages, including United Adoptees of Romania, Romania's Lost Children Found to Raise Awareness and Reopen Adoption, and Adopted from Romania. She eventually connected with people living in her home village ...

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