Monday, September 8, 2014

Geamana, Romania in Geamana, Romania

Geamana, Romania in Geamana, Romania

Once a bustling settlement nestled in a picturesque Romanian valley, the village of Geamana was wiped from the map to make room for a toxic dumping lake, yet traces of the stubborn little town still dot the landscape. Up until the shockingly recent year of 1978, Geamana village was thriving with a m ...

...politichie de Danbovita!

Si uite asa, Presedintele are de ce sa fie mandru: 1- s-a declansat OFICIAL, un nou razboi rece (pentru care a militat) poate deveni fierbinte! 2- 5 state NATO (/) au livrat arme Ucrainei!! 3- Romania este prima linie, fiind aparata de marele licurici si cativa sateliti NATO.. 4- Traias ...

Designeri cehi vin la Bucuresti sa-si prezinte lucrarile

Centrul Ceh Bucuresti si Galeria Galateca aduc la Bucuresti expoziția de design ceh contemporan de sticla si portelan Brilliant By Design. Expozitia va avea loc intre 10 si 30 septembrie, la Galeria Galateca (str. C.A.Rosetti, nr. 2-4, Bucuresti) si va fi deschisa miercuri, pe 10 septembrie, la ora ...

Grecia - Romania 0-1, Euro 2016. Presa: "Cel mai slab meci al Greciei din ultimii ani", "Romania a castigat relativ usor"

Romania a debutat cu o victorie in preliminariile Campionatului European din 2016, scor 1-0 cu Grecia, duminica seara, pe stadionul Georgios Karaiskakis din Pireu.

Airplay top 5 prima september 2014

Airplay top fem Romania prima september 2014 |

Huge crater Deslandres on the Moon. Images by telescope.

It is very easy to locate craters with their name, in the image below. In these images crater Deslandres (234 km) dominates the area. It is the "lying heart" as I like to call it, and I think it is not hard to figure out why. It is framed here only three quarters of this huge crater. Deslandres crat ...

Greetings from St. Marys night 2

Greetings from St. Marys night 2 Today we woke up early and caught the 9:00 bus to road to the sun. After an hour ride through some beautiful vistas we hopped off at Logan's Pass. I want to thank Melissa for suggesting the hike there. It is only 1.5 miles but it is straight up. It is quite a hike. A ...

Top Russia Expert: Ukraine Joining Nato Would Provoke Nuclear War

Stephen Cohen is one of America’s top experts on Russia. Cohen is professor emeritus of Russian studies and politics at New York University and Princeton University, and the author of a number of books on Russia and the Soviet Union. Cohen says that the West is mainly to blame for the crisis in Ukra ...

Does Patent Expiry Matter Less For Difficult to Copy Drugs?

Patent expiry matters much less for difficult to copy drugs”. Not so long ago, this is what many used to believe in the pharma industry. However, looking at the current trend involving the tech savvy generic players, it appears, gone are those days even for the home grown companies in India. As we w ...

Doodle 4 Google Romania mea este

If you visit today you will find a Google Doodle on the Search Engine homepage. My Romanian is not that good and most of the news and sites about the Google Doodle is in Romanian. I did some research to find out what the doodle is about.

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