Sunday, August 24, 2014

Poem: "My Tears in Your Bottle"

Poem: "My Tears in Your Bottle"

This poem was commissioned by dialecticdreamer. It also fills the "grief" square in my 7-31-14 card for the hc_bingo fest. It belongs to the series Frankenstein's Family. "My Tears in Your Bottle" Well-fed at last, Csilla recovered rapidly from the injuries she had suffered at the hands of Artúr. "T ...

Strangem ajutoare si donatii pentru Romania.Cine se alatura?

Buna ziua! Daca cineva are un garaj sau un loc unde putem sa adunam ajutoare pentru saracii din Romania si doreste sa se alature proiectelor noastre sociale atunci sa ne lase un mesaj pe email romaniidingraz@ Noi lucram benevol pentru Centrul de ajutor social Iosua si Caleb unde lucreaza o ...


A culpa do conflito que se verifica na Ucrânia, como é do conhecimento geral das pessoas honestas e razoavelmente informadas, é dos Estados Unidos e da União Europeia. Surpreendentemente, a própria revista "Foreign Affairs" partilha dessa opinião, o que nos faz supor que "está o mundo às avessas". T ...

Balls: How scared are you now, Scotland?

Ed Balls, the shadow chancellor of the exchequer, is the latest politician from south of the border to butt in to Scotland’s debate on independence. He has warned us that an independent Scotland would be forced to join the Euro. (Let’s leave aside the fact that this is another MP, from a constituenc ...

ISIS makes its presence known in Chicago, DC

Imperial Japan and Fascist Italy during the Second World War. Prior to WWII, the US Army was ranked 34th in the world. Right behind the Kingdom of Romania.

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