Saturday, August 23, 2014

Book Review: Looking For Alaska

Book Review: Looking For Alaska

Today I thought I would do a book review on Looking For Alaska by John Green. I really loved the Fault In Our Stars and I heard that Looking For Alaska was going to be made into a movie so I thought I would read it. Needless to say I did not like it nearly as much as TFIOS. The book starts off with ...


Iata ca se apropie campania electorala pentru alegerile prezidentiale, dar atmosfera, in general vorbind, este molcoma. Nimic scanteietor, nici macar in plan intelectual. Totusi, nu vad la oamenii politici din tara noastra, la partidele noastre, la candidati niste opinii fata de lucrurile importante ...

Complex Antiaerian – CA 94

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Societatea impiedicata sa mearga inainte Situatia de acum din Europa se aseamana pana la IDENTIFICARE cu situatia din Europa dinaintea Primului Razb. mondial. Aceeasi lene puturoasa a statelor Europei buhaite, traite in opulenta ca niste besnite batrane autosatisfacute. Asta este ingrijorator! Se ve ...

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