Monday, August 25, 2014

景色の形式 420

景色の形式 420

2014年08月25日 > 外国人「自分の住んでる街の美しい風景写真を貼っていくスレ」  【海外の反応】 > 引用: > スレッド「あなたの住む街」より。 拡大 > (海外の反応) > 1 Chile 万国アノニマスさん 自分の住んでる街の美しい風景写真を貼っていくスレ > 上の写真は私の地元 > ↑ United States of America 万国アノニマスさん メキシコにある実家にそっくりだ > ↑ Portuga ...

Prémios Europeus ESFS 2014

ESFS Awards 2014 The European Science Fiction Society is proud to announce the Winners of the 2014 ESFS Awards. These awards were announced on the 24th of August 2014 at the 36th Eurocon, Shamrokon, in Dublin. European Grand Master: Jim Fitzpatrick – Ireland Hall of Fame: Best Author: Wolfgang Jesch ...

景色の形式 417

2014年08月25日 > 外国人「自分の住んでる街の美しい風景写真を貼っていくスレ」  【海外の反応】 > 引用: > スレッド「あなたの住む街」より。 拡大 > (海外の反応) > 1 Chile 万国アノニマスさん 自分の住んでる街の美しい風景写真を貼っていくスレ > 上の写真は私の地元 > ↑ United States of America 万国アノニマスさん メキシコにある実家にそっくりだ > ↑ Portuga ...

Faust de Purcărete - o piesă de teatru din altă lume

Știam despre Faust două lucruri: 1. Că este scris de Goethe 2. Că este un must do! Prietena mea Laura, care trebuia să fie cu noi la SibFest în Sibiu, l-a văzut cu un an în urmă, mi l-a povestit în mare, așa că mi-am propus să-l vedem și noi. Și uite așa am ajuns ca pentru FITS 2014 primele bilete c ...

Romania - Transylvania and other stories

We cross into Romania and go to Timisoara. This is the small city where the 1989 Romanian Revolution started. It's a tatty, student town with many of the tourist sights under renovation. Once out of the urban areas, one small village runs into the next. The roads are potholed and the new highway Eas ...


More than 20 heads of states and governments have announced their attendance for the official ceremony when outgoing President Abdullah Gül will hand over office to President-elect Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Aug. 28. Parliament Speaker Cemil Çiçek has already called for an extraordinary session of the ...

The Origins of the Israeli-Arab conflict

I find History to be so fascinating it holds all the answers. For example why has Israel been fighting against arabs for so long? What is the origin of this conflict? I will try to point out some fact as simply as i can that everyone can look it up themselves and connect the dots. 1-Destruction of t ...

Churches of Romania - Biserici din România

Churches of Romania - Biserici din România Un thread dedicat fotografiilor cu bisericile din România. Threaduri similare Saxon peasant fortresses and fortified churches • Romanian Monasteries • Romanian Wooden Churches

Prince Nicholas of Romania, second son of Crown Princess Marie...

> Prince Nicholas of Romania, second son of Crown Princess Marie of Romania and namesake of Nicholas II.

Republica Improvizara Romania

Tocmai m-am intors din calatoria anuala rituala in tinutul originilor mele, Visagul, sat atestat documentar de prin 1350. Pe teritoriul sau au fost, insa, identificate nivele de locuire daco-romana de pina in secolele IV-VI dar si urme ale unor civilizatii stravechi de mii de ani. In satul acesta cu ...

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