Saturday, September 27, 2014

Renaissance Festival tickets winners & their selfies

Renaissance Festival tickets winners & their selfies

Jonathan Cox - who has written 14 posts on Guide. Jonathan moved from Bucharest, Romania to Mecklenburg County in 2010 to study political science at Davidson. After sampling the fine cuisine (mostly Cookout) and getting over the initial ...


Project title – ETNOGROOVE Description: Youth exchange “ Etno Groove” is an international youth exchange. Number of participants:4 participants + 1 leader from each country Participating countries: Armenia, Macedonia, Romania, Croatia and Slovenia. Targeted age: between 18- 25. The exchange will las ...

Awana Romania – 1 Year Celebration

VOCEA ROMANIEI sezonul 4, editia 3 a auditiilor pe nevazute. Vedeta din Romania pe care Tudor n-a recunoscut-o: "Cine esti?"

VOCEA ROMANIEI. Daca e vineri e VOCEA ROMANIEI! Vineri, VOCEA ROMANIEI vine cu dezvaluiri in premiera ale antrenorilor si cu concurenti surpriza.

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