Saturday, September 27, 2014

Evenimente – 27 septembrie 2014

Evenimente – 27 septembrie 2014

București Consiliul Federației Europene Baptiste – RIN Grand Hotel București Jubilelul absolvenților – Institutul Teologic Baptist Arad Conferința profetică 2014, cu Jimmy DeYoung Jr. – Biserica Baptistă Speranța Arad Conferința Neemia 2014 Arad Radu Gheorghiță la Biserica Baptistă Metanoia Voiteg, ...

August/September Update: Brasov Vacation with the boys, New Classrooms, School Begins....

Greetings from Romania! It is crazy to think that this coming week will mark 4 months of me being back in my "second homeland". The summer was hot, humid, full of mosquitoes and lots of challenges and changes here at "The Center" (Don Orione). But it was also a summer full of carefree playtime outsi ...

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