Thursday, September 18, 2014

Concurs: Elevii pot să facă un pas înainte şi să îşi obţină Permisul ECDL

Concurs: Elevii pot să facă un pas înainte şi să îşi obţină Permisul ECDL

Anul ăsta încep şcoala cu ECDL! Elevii pot să facă un pas înainte şi să îşi obţină Permisul ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence). Astfel, competenţele lor digitale sunt recunoscute la nivel internaţional şi certificate pe termen nelimitat, elevii având oportunitatea de a echivala proba de Compet ...


I have decided that from now on, I will try my best in making other people as happy as I can. I have spent many years being unhappy, depressed and suicidal, and now that I have finally gotten better, mentally, physically and financially, I might as well share my happiness with someone who needs it. ...

India Made Duster Has Corrosion Issues But Renault Won’t Recall

Dacia has admitted to having inconsistencies in the paint process at the Renault-Nissan plant in Chennai that could cause surface corrosion on the Duster’s door sills and bonnet. This is one of the reasons as to why the Duster is no longer exported from India to the UK. Corrosion has crept in areas ...

Cum se transforma sambata seara Palatul Parlamentului in cadrul iMapp Bucharest 555 - Foto

iMapp Bucharest 555 este unul dintre evenimentele pe care nu trebuie sa le ratati din cadrul evenimentului Zilele Bucurestiului. Veti asista la un spectacol video-mapping multimedia unic in Europa. Drept urmare sambata seara, 20 septembrie, de la orele 23:00 in Piata Constitutiei Palatul Parlamentul ...


Putin: Russian army may enter Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Romania in few days EIΠΕ ΟΤΙ ΣΕ ΛΙΓΕΣ ΜΕΡΕΣ ΤΑ ΣΤΡΑΤΕΥΜΑΤΑ ΤΟΥ ΜΠΟΡΕΙ ΝΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΣΕ ΠΟΛΩΝΙΑ-ΒΑΛΤΙΚΕΣ ΚΑΙ ΡΟΥΜΑΝΙΑ.... 18 September 2014 | 14:28 | FOCUS News Agency Picture: AFP Berlin. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that in a ...

Presa germana: Putin ar fi amenintat ca poate trimite trupe in ROMANIA: "Daca vreau, pot sa ajunga in doua zile"

Rusia isi poate trimite in doua zile trupele la Riga, Vilnius, Tallinn, Varsovia si Bucuresti, i-ar fi spus presedintele rus, Vladimir Putin, omologului sau ucrainean, Petro Porosenko, relateaza joi cotidianul german Sueddeutsche Zeitung.

Captura uriasa la granita dintre Romania si Moldova. "Erau peste 800.000"

Politistii de frontiera din Republica Moldova au facut cea mai mare captura de tigari din acest an, care atesta dimensiunile impresionante ale contrabandei intre cele doua tari.

Doua lucruri care ma nedumeresc la Vocea Romaniei de anul asta

Nedumeririle mele nu sunt legate de Tudor Chirila. Mi se pare ca locul lui este pe scaunul ala de jurat mai mult decat era cazul la Brenciu, pe care nu-l prea sufeream. Chirila mi se pare ca seamana cu un Adam Levine de Romania, poate ceva mai viu decat solistul Maroon 5 dar tot genul care tintuiest ...

Top 5 reasons to attend SmartWeb, the conference for east european web designers and developers

The cool crew at Evensys is setting up the last details of SmartWeb #2. The event will be held in Bucharest, on 22 and 23 September. If you haven’t heard about yet or you’re still deciding, here are the top 5 reasons to attend it. #1 See and interact with a great line up of speakers What I like abou ...

YouTube România premiază clipul anului la Media Music Awards!

Pe lângă premiile bazate de difuzarile radio și TV, pe scena Media Music Awards va fi decernat în această seară și un premiu bazat pe vizualizările pe cea mai populară rețea video de socializare din România – YouTube. YouTube România aduce “ BEST VIDEO on YOUTUBE” – videoclipul românesc cu cele mai ...

World Bank: Romania plays an important role in cutting back greenhouse gas emissions

Romania plays an important role in the process of cutting back on greenhouse gas emissions, especially in southeastern Europe, said, on Thursday, Jian Xie, an expert on environment issues operating out of the World Bank during a press conference.

New lease of life for disabled dog Lucky after he is rescued from Romania and given set of rear wheels to get around with

The future looked bleak for Lucky the dog after he was run down by a car in Romania at just three months old - losing the use of his back legs. But the paralysed puppy has been given a second chance in life after he was flown to the UK and adopted by a ...

Orange expands 4G coverage across Romania: available at Bucharest metro, new 4G+ network

Telecom operator Orange Romania has expanded the 4G coverage to the Bucharest metro system. This will allow the 650,000 people who commute by metro every day to surf the net at higher speeds, said Julien Ducarroz, commercial director with Orange Romania.

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