Meet the world's strongest nine year old boy performing 90-degree push-ups
Romania: A nine-year-old bodybuilder dubbed the ‘world’s strongest boy’ has spent the summer holidays pumping iron to impress his school friends. Muscle-bound Giuliano Stroe, nicknamed the ‘Romanian Hercules’, sent friends videos of himself ...
Question about reconstruction of tramway network in Galati
Hello, I am very interested of trams. Soon i would like to visit Galati only to see your tram system. On Wikipedia I have read that the network now is under reconstruction. ( Which lines are turned off with trams? When is the network back in ser ...
Sistemul "infailibil" care ar putea pune capat defrisarilor masive. Cum functioneaza si cat de eficient e "Radarul Padurii"
Transporturile de lemne din Romania sunt monitorizate de vineri prin GPS. Ministerul Apelor si Padurilor obliga firmele sa-si doteze camioanele cu telefoane inteligente si sa foloseasca o aplicatie prin intermediul careia sa isi anunte fiecare miscare.