1939 August 23–24 in the late hours Nazi Germany – Soviet Union signed secret Nazi–Soviet alliance Protocols Following completion of the Soviet-German trade and credit agreement, there has arisen the question of improving political links between Germany and the USSR. On 22 August 1939, one day after ...
Why pick a Romanian Rescue? – It was the “song” that played on the heartstrings.
I came across this wall poster on yet another Rescue site on Facebook yesterday and there’s a lot of truth in it. Since looking for another dog to go with Annie (a Romanian Rescue) after Joe’s death I have spent weeks spiraling around a head-spinning array of sites for fosters required, adoption req ...
În ultimul sezon
În ultimul sezon cu Betis a prezentat o performanță foarte bună și a terminat al șaptelea în poziția finală liga. El ar putea juca Europa League, în care a înflorit. Campanie Trophy oprit la finala opta dublu-antet și urban Sevilla derby. Betis a scăzut la casa de pedeapsă în represalii. Dar rezulta ...
Silistra-Cernavoda, 22 August
Today we are travelling from km 376 to km 299 where we enter the Donau -Black Sea Canal. This will be our last day day on the Danube which we entered on the 7th of July. There are mussels in the Danube! Empty shells floating past the boat. Saw at a restaurant that they served Danube mussels but did ...
Premiera in Romania. Persoanele fizice vor putea comunica pe internet cu Fiscul. Ce presupune spatiul privat virtual
ANAF le va trimite astfel cetatenilor deciziile de impunere anuala in timp ce ei pot cere, tot din fata calculatorului, situatia datoriilor pe care le au de achitat.
2013/2014 season through the lense of a football fan
I started watching football or taking any kind of sports competition seriously when I was 13. I do not know what intrigued me to do so, and I still wonder why. I watch different kind of sports and I also persuaded my parents to enroll me into football and go kart classes. Unfortunately, my parents d ...
Law to slow terrorists in Romania stirs privacy debate
Law to slow terrorists in Romania stirs privacy debate Officials said 13 million pre-paid cards are used in Romania and, apart from terrorism, they can be misused in a wide range of illegal activities. The Romanian parliament passed a new law in June that makes it obligatory for all users of pre-pai ...
LAUTARI QUINTET | Lunedì 25 agosto
Un musicista greco con il suo bouzuki, un friulano con la sua amata fisarmonica cromatica, un percussionista rumeno e le sue calde sonorità, un iraniano con i particolari e bellissimi strumenti della tradizione persiana, un veneto di origini pugliesi ai fiati e altro: questa è la formazione di “Musi ...
Ce este gazduirea (hosting) ?
Ce este gazduirea (hosting) ? Inainte de toate trebuie sa stim de ce avem nevoie de un astfel de serviciu, asadar incepem sa definim cuvantul gazduire care conform siteului inseamna a adaposti, a primi iar sinonimul sau in engleza este hosting. Persoanele care apeleaza la un astfel de s ...