Thursday, August 28, 2014

Romania: The return of the European bison

Romania: The return of the European bison

If you go down to the Romanian woods today, you’re sure of a big surprise. Tipping the scales at 1,400lbs, Europe’s largest mammal has returned from near extinction. We encountered the herd of European bison (Bison bonasus) 100 yards away in a forest ...

OLDNEWS N 7/2014 (369)

_______________________________________________________________________ ИHФОРМАЦИОHHЫЙ ЛИСТОК УКРАИHСКОЙ ФАHТАСТИКИ N 7/2014 (369) _______________________________________________________________________ O L D N E W S От 28 августа 2014 г. (с) ТМ "Второй блин" (г. Харьков). ОТ СОСТАВИТЕЛЕЙ: Данный ин ...

Latest UK migration statistics likely to further turn up political heat on EU migration

The ONS has this morning released its latest long-term UK migration statistics and they are likely to increase the intensity of the spotlight on EU migration - if that was possible. The headline statistics are: 560,000 people immigrated to the UK in the year ending March 2014, a statistically signif ...

Concurs: Un kit de epilare de la EpilatPRO

Hei, hei! Astazi vin cu o veste buna (zic eu!). Dupa ce v-am povestit aici experienta mea cu kit-ul de epilare pentru acasa de la EpilatPRO, eu si cu cei de la EpilatPRO am hotarat sa va oferim sansa de a castiga si voi acest kit. In articol veti gasi experienta mea si daca vreti sa incercati si voi ...


A Supermarket In 1964 - aonde? É 28 lá do sitio Vulture Stalking a Child, Sudan, 1993 Pictures of The Global Conflict of World War I At the start of the war, the largest of the European belligerents were all colonial powers -- they had people and valuable assets stationed in countries all over the E ...

How do we decide to get older together?

Essay by Peca Stefan about the performance "The Clock is ticking" (Die Uhr tickt / Pe ceas) To address age and ageing is not the most simple research topic. Beyond statistics and theories, age is extremely subjective. A lot of questions came to mind. A demographic decline in Europe set against an un ...

Sfaturi utile pentru romanii din Germania

Pana in prezent portalul e4De a acordat spatiu romanilor din Munchen, Stuttgart si celor din Austria, insa si-a propus sa ofere gazduire oricarei comunitati mai mari de 500 de membri, cu singura conditie ca in tara din care este comunitatea sa se vorbeasca limba germana sau o limba inrudita. In part ...

Vogue Germania lanseaza “The September issue” cu Augmented Reality

Era si timpul ca tehnologia Augmented Reality sa fie folosita de revistele de fashion. Vogue Germania a indraznit sa realizeze un un scenariu digital cu Augmented Reality pentru coperta din Septembrie, celebra “September issue” . Echipa Vogue a vazut potentialul acestei tehnologi. Astfel, au inserat ...

Jobmanji - Employment Search Engine

Jobmanji - Employment Search Engine In simple terms Jobmanji is like using Google to search for jobs. They know that hunting for work can be a struggle – it’s a jungle out there and it’s easy to go bananas trying to navigate it – so thet are on a mission to match the right j ...

Search News