Friday, August 29, 2014

EL RUIDO DEL MUNDO seleccionado en la competición internacional del ANIMEST, Rumania

EL RUIDO DEL MUNDO seleccionado en la competición internacional del ANIMEST, Rumania

nueva selección en un festival especializado en animación, se celebra del 3 al 12 de octubre en Bucarest, Thank you very much for having submitted your film to anim’est – international animation film festival 2014. We now have the pleasure to officially invite the film El ruido del mundo by Coke Rio ...

Hendrik Bruns

Interview with Hendrik Bruns (Obscenity) Georgius: Hail Henne! Firstly I would to congratulate You on Your 25th Anniversary of Obscenity. Tell us please about the beginnings briefly! When did You become a metalhead? - Hi Georg, first of all thanx for the wishes and the interview. It was in 1983 when ...

Anyhow In These Financial Times Property Owners Are Finding It Challenging To Adjust To A High Insurance Quote.

Just guess in case of accident, your four wheel drive vehicle will get depreciated and borrowed, you will likely pay Private Mortgage Insurance PMI . • If your personal property is lost, stolen or destroyed, Instead of losing thousands of dollars January 2007, Romania clearly possesses the attribute ...

Cum iti afli reach-ul pe twitter

Destul de usor, mai ales de cand cei de la Twitter si-au adus aminte ca mai au cativa useri si prin Europa de Est si au facut un cadou agentiilor de digital/online PR, adaugandu-ne in lista de tari care au acces la platforma de advertising. Eu am vreo 8500 de followeri pe twitter, sunt destul de act ...

Big Haul + Goodbye Revlon ? :(((

In ultima vreme DM-ul incepe sa ma plictiseasca, am destule produse Balea, iar restul produselor le gasesc in alte locuri la preturi mult mai mici. Am insfacat totusi niste dischete demachiante mari si un sampon Schauma, Fresh it Up!, care promite o prospetime indelungata a parului si mai mult timp ...

Romania defies Gazprom’s monopoly

The Republic of Moldova has broken Moscow-backed Gazprom’s gas monopoly after completing the first phase of a new pipeline connecting it to the EU energy market. The part EU-funded Ungheni-lasi pipeline between the east of Romania and west of Moldova provides the first alternative to Gazprom gas in ...

Romania: The Roma People you need to know about.

I'm a question-asker. Pretty good at it really. Maybe because I'm frequently confused. I asked our missionary trip director what is the deal with the persecution of the Gypsy population- I will refer to them as Roma- people? Why are they singled out from the Romanian people and from other Europeans ...

Real-world Systems For Workout – Some Thoughts

Mentioned below are a few pointers that are bound to help you in this regard: Wake Up Early into the blood stream and promotes fat metabolism in the liver. Along with the cardiovascular exercises, lifting weights can largely and depends upon the individual’s overall health and the correct technique ...

UPDATED — “Maps to the Stars” Worldwide Theatrical and DVD Release Dates

If you do not see a country listed and know the release date, feel free let us know! Please remember, these dates are subject to change at any time and often will without notice! Argentina: September 18, 2014 October 2, 2014 Australia: September 30, 2014 Austria: November 7, 2014 September 12, 2014 ...

#160 -100 Days and Does India Needs a Shadow Cabinet?

Democracy is the Best thing to have happened to India. It has its own issues, Merits and Demerits, its own charm and its own fun. Most of the times, the Electorate is not ‘Captive’ and its free-will makes its Voters Taste and Test various ideologies, Manifestos and Plans as well as its own ‘idiosync ...

Ford to halt production in Romania for nine days in September

American automaker Ford announced that it will halt production in its Romanian plant, in Craiova, for nine days in September. The company will reduce both the production of its Ford B-Max model but also the engine production due to volatility in the car ...

Romania allows local party-swapping, critics see threat to democracy

BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Romania's government approved a temporary emergency ordinance on Thursday to let local administrations change political affiliations in a pre-election move it says will unblock policymaking but which critics say threatens democracy.

Romania starts Danube reconstruction project

Romania has launched an EU-funded project for the ecological reconstruction of the Danube River. The project, co-ordinated by WWF Romania, will be implemented with the consultation and involvement of the local communities along the river. This will help ...

The mix of poverty and piracy that turned Romania into Europe's software development powerhouse

Romania's piracy rate is twice that of the EU average, leading to crackdowns that have seen huge piles of CDs run over by bulldozers. Image: Shutterstock Western Europe may be struggling with a shortage of developers, but Romania's unique technology ...

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